Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Going Live on Etsy!

I've been wanting to open an Etsy shop for some time, but have been pretty hesitant to do it. I wasn't sure if my crafting skills were really up to par or if anyone would actually want to buy stuff I made. However, I looked into more about the website (besides just lusting after awesome jewelry and vintage clothing) and decided to go for it! The first thing I needed when signing up for my shop was a name. Of course, I had one in mind...none other than "Let It Sunshine on My Mind." However, that was one letter too long...of course. So I tried various shortening techniques (such as "Let It Sunshine," "Sunshine On My Mind," "Let It Shine On My Mind") but they were all taken. I wanted something that would compliment my blog name, so I went with another great song lyric from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, "You be the book, I'll be the binding" (you know, from Ink Tales: Number Seven) and chose Be The Binding Boutique. Everyone knows I love me some alliteration, so I'm super pumped about how it worked out. Also, most of my crafts do center around books...a perfect fit!

So, I've been a busy crafter for the last month trying to get prototypes made up. I still have more items to make and put on the shop, but I have a few items up and ready to sell.

Check it out here: Be The Binding Boutique